My carrer in the creative industries has been a zigzag between th visual and  performing arts.  Prior to Storybookers, which is more performance based, my previous two ventures venture were visual art based.  Most recent was the Local Gallery in Muswellm Hill, North London and prior to that Mango Red Gallery in Camden. 


-----------------------Save our libraries ---------------



Achieving great art for everyone makes the case that young people

are leading the way in engaging with new technology, equipping them

to make and debate their own arts, break boundaries between art

forms and pioneer new sources of knowledge. This is familiar territory

for museums and libraries, many of which have been active early

adopters of technology as a means of engaging and delivering services

to young people. There is still more work to do to help young audiences

use these resources to support their own learning and development.

For example, many museums use websites to provide access to a wide

range of information, but few have yet moved onto creating deeper

and more innovative opportunities for digital engagement at a personal

and creative level. In this, museums and libraries face similar challenges

to the arts with regards to their young audiences.

In other respects, museums and libraries can clearly lead the way.

In recent years, libraries have successfully invested in work with

the youngest of audiences, knowing that being able to read at

an early age critically enhances later success in life. Libraries and

museums play an essential role in supporting learning, both in and

outside the classroom. Beyond supporting school-based learning,

they also provide safe and inspiring spaces for many young people

– places in which to meet friends or start to explore their own creative

and intellectual interests and gain a broader understanding of their

own world and that of other people. We know that they are well used

and highly valued, providing young people with access to stimulating

experiences, collections, books, information, music, films, activities and

the internet. They help with the transition to adult life, too – providing

access to information and advice and support for lifelong learning.