Create, Share and Grow

Stories bring us together, create meaning and gets your message across.

Make it Happen

There are a series of events and activities taking place this year from which you, your school or business can benefit.  

By joining our 2012 Create Share and Grow programmes you could be eligible for:
  • Free Workshops
  • Cultural exchange visits
  • Free lectures
  • Support funding
Go to  Calendar of events page for details of date to plan for. 

What's your story?

If you could tell the story of a flourishing, inclusive and socially cohesive culture in your community, school or workplace, what story would you want to tell? 

What would you want to see happen?  

Our communities are currently facing many social and econonic challenges, however, we are also faced with tremendous opportunities.  

New technology and new ways of thinking lay before us, and our preparedness to harness these resources is the key to attaining all that is best in life. 

2012 is all about sharing our stories 

This year we have partnered with a wide range of organisation to bring you an exciting series of activities and events that will guarantee you a successful learning year and will help put you on the right path to fulfilling your hopes and dreams.

Register here 

to find out how you can benefit.